Monday, September 20, 2010


Sup homies~!? I said I'd try to put up a few post here, so *rant mode activate* these hols have been RIDONKCULOUSLY boring. I must say, I'm starting to listen to overly dramatic music recently. Having said that. There's been some construction work being done somewhere in my block and FOR CRYING OUT! SOME PEOPLE WANNA SLEEP DAMMIT!! I mean who wakes up before afternoon during the hols anyway!? Sheesh... those jerks. *rant mode off*

So, I've been playing quite a bit of starcraft 2 recently, I've completed the campaign 3 times already... which is so pro right? I also got promoted to platinum league which is also really pro right? *ego mode activate* I have like the super pro record od 50 wins and 43 loss *inserts sleazy face here adn switchies off ego mode*. Oh!!!! I've also been playing quite a bit of Heroes 5, which is like, TOTALLY awesome. You guys should totally play it imo. It's really awesome. In fact that top pic is like the Arch Angel from Heroes 5. He looks totally cool with his blue sword thing

So for those who are not aware, I've started going back to church, which has been TOTALLY awesome, I'm starting to wonder why I even left in the first place. I mean, seriously, those are the nicest people I've ever met, they're all 'peace be with you' and like hugging each other. It's a real tear jerker right? Oh, and fyi, I'm listening to the song sweet victory by David Glen Eisley while composing this... thing... POST!!! that's it... this post and it's like freaking awesome, I've also been listening to BEAUteen!! by Scandal, it's like a totally awesome song for all the Japanese music fans, I've even got it on repeat and all that cool jazz... it'll be the vid of the post or something. OMG, I just had the worst time of my life getting that vid here. SO PLEASE JUST WATCH IT

So a couple of nights ago, I caught my sis up at like 2 in the morning doing her homework, and she was drawing this dog, that totally reminded me of Cosmo, which, for those who don't know is my dog, just look at the pic above this paragraph. So I decided to help her, cause her drawing... kinda sucks, so check out my epic picture and yes, he's wearing Adidas. Don't ask me why, it's my sister's idea.

So, I found this pic awhile ago and I thought it was hilarious... and it totally reminds me of my friend Faith, if you look at one of the older post, there's a pic of her. She TOTALLY looks like Rukia right? Which is totally freaky, cause I had a dream a few nights ago stabbing me with a sword, so yeah... and if you're wondering why I'm not using the cancelling thing like I usually do, it's just because I'm lazy =/ seriously....

Well, in keeping to my word of being lazy, I'll be signing off for now, cause I'm lazy right... Cya later homies~! and btw, I'll be sending out a VERY special invite really soon to all my close homies, so look out for that *sleazy look* peace out~!