Well, it's been awhile since my first post. There's been a few changes here since then, the most obvious one is this post (duh). So far the feedback's been good, so I guess I'll be keeping this blog up for a bit.So, one thing that I've seen quite a bit is people blogging about outings and events and since I'm a person, I'll do that too!I'll start with THE SINGAPORE TOYS, GAMES AND COMICS CONVENTION 2009 (yes the bold is to make it more epic) which was held in Suntec last friday till sunday... I think... whatever.First thing's first, I met up with Sev in the morning before heading of to the event since someone stood me up for our morning excercise (you owe me a milo peng btw). So, as for Sev which most of you don't really know, I'll give you guys a brief intro... er... his name's not really Sev.So we reached Suntec in the afternoon, the place was packed like a sardine can. But we somehow managed to sqeeze in. We hung out there for awhile, scanning for chicks checking out the booths and stuff. Some really awesome stuff they had there... too bad I didn't have enough money to buy stuff =/So, here are some pics for you guys. Special thanks to Ris for some of the pics =D
Captain America & Batman figures!!! (you don't wanna know how much they cost)
Lightsaber collection!!! (yeah... they're expensive too)
Commander Cody!!! ( I've gotta stop with the !!! -___-)
Batman and the clown Joker (ok I know that was lame)
Watch where you're pointing that dude!
Enlist in the Imperial Fleet (I did)
Adel Taicho says 'Bang!'(seriously, that's what she said or was it 'tiew?'... whatever)
Me and Faith (to avoid being bullied, no witty comments for this pic, sorry guys =/)Well, that's about it for this time, now playing at the bottom, SNSD's (that's right Jon) Jessica and Tiffany's cover of Bryan Adams' Classic Heaven. Enjoy =)Till the next time! peace out homiez~ JeremyPersonally, I don't think there's intelligent life on other planets. Why should other planets be any different from this one? ----Bob Monkhouse
Hey guys! Welcome to my blog, if you're reading this you're too free thanks for being a busybody wanting to know more about me =) so why the blog? Let's just say I'm too bored I just decided that I wanted to share more about myself with you guys.So, one thing that I'll be doing here, is giving a daily tip or an inspiration quote for each post, my first tip is for you single guys out there XD so look out for that.For my first music video I've got Park Jung Ah's Yeah, so for all you korean fanatics out there (I know you're there) hope you like it :)
I'll try my best to keep things interesting here so hopefully I'll won't be too boring for you guys. Till my next and hopefully more interesting post, see you guys! Cheers, Jeremy
Best pickup lines of all time #1: Hi! I'm George Clooney