Saturday, May 22, 2010

Death, Dying, DEAD

(Rant mode on) Here's the deal, that trial excercise thing (which I believe they call NAPFA or some shit) is like here and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO not prepared... I mean, I just went for a little run and I was like half dead when I got back. So... you can pretty much guess what's gonna happen to me on the actual day. (Rant mode off)

Well, the holidays are just around the corner, I SOOOOOOO need a break. Man... to think that my time in RP is almost over and NS is like a year away. It feels like yesterday when I was in W15C playing counterstrike after class. HAIZ...

In case you're wondering about the pic, it's just some random screenshot from awhile ago. as usual, I was having one of my interesting chats with Jon

So Here's BoA with まもりたい ~White Wishes~

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Back to school~

Alright, so it's like week 5 or something back in school, my body's pretty much reached it's limit with stress just piling up one on top of the other. My gaming is all but dead and my studies could have been better. The UTs are like... a week or 2 away (THAT'S RIGHT I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T REALLY CARE). I'm actually posting this today because I'm on MC and I don't have anything better to do. That's how much life sucks.

So as most of you nerds gamers out there would have already known, starcraft 2 is officially gonna be released on the 27th of july. Which is like really soon, I'm like getting nerd chills just thinking about it. I've actually tried a little of the beta myself and quite frankly, IT'S FREAKING AWESOME. So go buy it and I'll see you online for some games So as for the videos, there's been like so many starcraft 2 beta commentaries, so if you guys wanna watch some, there's my fav Huskystarcraft and HDstarcraft, go check them out on youtube, they're freaking awesome.

That's all I have to rant about for today, till my next post which will most likely be in a couple of months if I'm lucky, Peace out homies~ Oh and just for kicks here's T-ara with 너 때문에 미쳐