Saturday, May 22, 2010

Death, Dying, DEAD

(Rant mode on) Here's the deal, that trial excercise thing (which I believe they call NAPFA or some shit) is like here and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO not prepared... I mean, I just went for a little run and I was like half dead when I got back. So... you can pretty much guess what's gonna happen to me on the actual day. (Rant mode off)

Well, the holidays are just around the corner, I SOOOOOOO need a break. Man... to think that my time in RP is almost over and NS is like a year away. It feels like yesterday when I was in W15C playing counterstrike after class. HAIZ...

In case you're wondering about the pic, it's just some random screenshot from awhile ago. as usual, I was having one of my interesting chats with Jon

So Here's BoA with まもりたい ~White Wishes~

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