Thursday, February 4, 2010

Invincible Youth~

So. It's my second post in school. For the record, I'm not in class this time. Not that that's any better, but who cares. I sure don't . Anyhow I'm here with my beloved, for some reason she never seems too fond of being around me, which is weird, cause I can't imagine anyone NOT wanting to be around me laughs

Recently , I've been watching a lot of korean shows and one of them has stood out among all of them. Ladies and gentlemen introducing, Invincible Youth! or as I like to call it. Korean girls on a farm =D. As you may have guessed from my wonderful description, it's about a bunch of Korean girls that live on a farm! no wait that's not right...

"Seven girls from several Korean pop groups are joining hands in Invincible Youth, a reality show where the girls will travel to rural areas of Korea and handle labor tasks like farming etc.

Ok... maybe I was right -.-

Back to reality people, last night was a complete nightmare... I still can't believe what happened. I'm not gonna say it here, if you guys really wanna know, I MIGHT consider telling you. Let's just say that my best friend is going through a hard time and I nearly.. I REAPEAT, NEARLY messed things up with my other 'best friend'

Some people have asked me about the Let go' Let in, It's a new day thing. Before you people say it's some emo-thing. It's just an album name -.-

Enough ranting for today *rants* I'll leave you guys with a song from that album, this is 린 - 사랑..다 거짓말. You guys already know all about Godzillathon #5

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