Jurrasic ParkSo day 2 at Phuket (which apparently is not Thailand according to a certain someone who I will not mention here) Finally, I get to use the damn interweb and what better way for me to use the interweb then to rub it in your faces share with you my wonderful experiences, yes, that would be nice wouldn't it? Too bad that's not what I'm going to do *Laughs* Instead, I'm going to share with you about my day at the Zoo with Riz, who I've mentioned before, Shannon who I have not mentioned and Ga Yan aka GaGa who I have not mentioned as well ,more redundant content.So I have to say that it was nice seeing GaGa and Shann, who are to very good friends of mine =)It's been awhile since I last saw them and when GaGa asked if my and Shann were free and jumped at the chance to meet them, why the Zoo? I just wanted to go there =/ Though I didn't plan on staring at horse for over an hour! -.-So, I actually took about 30 pics, but thanks to my not so wonderful camera, I'll only be posting a few. OK, less talk, more pics.
Tigers, that are white
Face it, that's cute
Lion King part 3 or 4 whatever
Homosapiens XD
EPICThis time round I will not be sharing a MV with you guys instead, I have a special something for the gamers out there. It's a game at the E-Stars Seoul Starcraft Heritage, featuring the Starcraft Legend, WCG Hall of Famer, SlayerS_BoxeR against the best female Starcraft Player of ALL time ToSsGirL, in a Terran mirror enjoy =) (and yes, it is in korean)
Hey guys! It's been awhile since my last post no thanks to work. It's been a long and tiring 2 weeks for me At least I got some cheddar out of it, you feel me homez!? Oh and I get to keep my hard hat! YAY!!! I must say that the office is far more chaotic then I remember, but I guess it's because the rig is leaving, so everyone's kinda rushing to meet the deadline =/. Oh! before I forget, there's this new person at the office who I HAVE TO MENTION, her name is Moira I think that's how it's spelt and she's chinese I think and she was borned and raised I think in Scotland. But that's not what I wanted to talk about, what I did want to mention was that she had the most incredible accent EVER!!!!!!! I mean, why don't we Singaporeans have an accent!? so unfair -.-. So If you're hoping for pics of my workplace, keep dreaming, no pictures allowed -.-Before I call it a day I wanna thank my bro for coming down and helping out with the pumproom, my reward to you, A BIG ASS PAYCHECK (sounds like the price is right)That's all for today folks, now playing, the very first korean song I ever heard who knows how many years ago, from the age of upbeat/semi dance/r&b age of 90's pop although I think it came up in 2001 or something Jewelry's 'Tonight'So as for the joke of the post, I'll be sharing with you guys some of my demotivations I've stocked up, at least for now =)